Our Last Safari

We opted to go out to the bush for our last Safari night. In reality, this meant no internet as the digs were as luxurious as the main lodge. We had a watering hole just beyond our balcony and watched warthogs come around to top in the mud and baboons to eat the green Nile cabbage. That evening we star gazed on the enormous deck, different sky but same patterns. I’d noticed quite a few dry river beds and bridges over sand. Apparently the camps close in the 4 month rainy season, when all these areas fill with high levels of water and make driving impossible.

Another beautiful sunrise and breakfast on the sand bank before we did a walking safari and found out all about trees and shrubs and animal behaviors. Trackers really have a lot to work with to figure out what’s going on. We’d survive less than a day out there!Don’s foot in an elephant print for scale. On our way home. With all the connections it is going to take about 50 hours. Yikes 😳.

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