Monthly Archives: September 2013

TTC ride – August 30

Today’s Journey – B+


I leave my house later than usual and score a forward facing seat. A man to my left is reading the bible. No, wait, it’s just a novel. But the man across from him is definitely praying. I spot two baseball caps with the brims turned backwards and one the right way around. Is it sports day? I rush the doors at Yonge station, shoulder to shoulder with another woman. We both get caught between the doors but squeeze on. Another woman is behind us. No idea how she made it on. TheĀ  TTC driver says “Good job,” and gives us a thumbs up. Total journey time – 24 minutes.


On the northbound train, a man carries an umbrella and a bottle of water. Covering all his bases. I’m a little earlier than usual. The first westbound train that comes is very full and I let it go. The next one comes in two minutes. A man has JESS tattooed on his neck and across the fingers of his right hand. He definitely wants to remember his name. I wonder if he borrowed the grey track pants he’s wearing from his grandmother.